Taking Ship

The incomparable Rose Jackson joins the crew of Salty Jason's Revenge to save the country and planet



Elie Jacobs and Maggie Moore (Frank Spring is holding down the New Mexico office with a new addition) are joined by the irreverent Rose Jackson, co-founder and CEO of Beacon: your one-stop-shop for action and impact. Rose served as chief of staff to the State Department's Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Bureau under the Obama Administration, and previously worked in senior roles on U.S. Senate and statewide political campaigns. A long time, self-proclaimed democracy nerd, Rose spent the bulk of her career supporting people abroad, organizing to hold their governments to account. On this episode, she tells us how she's bringing that experience home through Beacon, and how you can fight back against the madness wherever you are. You can check out more about Rose here and learn more about Beacon here. And If you're sick of the dumpster fire that is your email inbox, don't waste time, go to https://act.beacon.us/taking-ship to download Beacon and cut through the noise. While you're at it, l