Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Around the Town Soundscape (show #432/573) | Download full MP3 from Feb 14, 2018



Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "Around the Town Soundscape" - Show #304, from April 8, 2004 Her Space Holiday - "Spectator Sport" [One small loop. 1-1:05, 1:47-1:55] 7% Solution - "All About Satellites and Spaceships" - All About Satellites and Spaceships [1:05-1:47:30, 2:14-2:23, and end?] Quaquaversal - "13" - bloo compilation [1:18-1:31] Robert Rodriguez - "El Mariachi" - Once Upon a Time in Mexico [1:20-1:24] The Golden Arm Trio (feat. the TOSCA String Quartet) - "The Ship" - Why the Sea is Salt [1:26-1:31:30] Wes Anderson - "The hardest math problem in the world" - Rushmore [He attended college in Austin so it counts. 1:33-1:47:30] The Pilot Ships - "a song by your campfire" - there should be an entry here [1:32-1:34:30, -2:18, 2:19-2:21:30] Sativa Quartet - "The Dance" - When Worlds Collide [with Alan Watts. 1:34:30-1:46:30] Ethereal Planes Indian - "Like a Sky Full of Rain" [1:40-1:41, 1:42-1:46:30, 2 copies: 1:45-1:47] Announcement - "Underwriting announcement" Ethereal Planes Indian - "Emergen