Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Allowing the past to carry me (Unopened packages) (Show #496/580) | Download full MP3 from Mar 28, 2018



Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "Allowing the past to carry me (Unopened packages)" - Show #496, from Jan. 8, 2014 [Full original source sample listing] Erik Satie (rearranged by Johnny Mandel) - "Gnossienne #5" - Being There [Layers] Erik Satie - "Gnossiennes No. 4 & 5" Jon Brion - "Theme" - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Loops] Erik Satie (rearranged by Johnny Mandel) - "Gnossienne #5 (reversed)" - Being There Ken - "We still go around" Jon Brion - "Theme (reversed)" - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [Loops] Jack Creley - "The battle for the mind of North American will be fought in the video arena" - Videodrome [The television is the retina of the mind's eye. Director/Writer: David Cronenberg.] Jack Creley - "Your reality is already half video hallucination. You'll have to learn to live in a strange new world" - Videodrome [Director/Writer: David Cronenberg] Mary Tyler Moore, Donald Sutherland - "What was it you were thinking about?" - Ordinary People [When?] Donald Sutherland, Timoth