Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

Just When I Needed You Most v2 (Show #692) | Download full MP3 from Dec 25, 2019



Clem Leek - "Mystery Moor" Ken - "We don't know what will happen" The Art of Noise - "Metaforce (loops)" - The Seduction Of Claude Debussy Sam Pottle & Jim Henson - "The Muppet Show Closing Theme (loops)" Keith Forsey, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez - "The Breakfast Club loops" The Kinks - "Nothing in this world loops" Lullatone - "My Second Favorite Song in the World loops" [Brief] Bob Dylan - "A Series of Dreams loops" David Wingo, Michael Linnen - "Hottub loops" - All the Real Girls Pinback - "Anti hu loops" Ken - "Do you feel the need to make up new things? (The comfort of the familiar)" Pinback - "Anti hu loops" The Art of Noise - "Metaforce (loops)" Toby Goodshank - "Pray to You loop" Magnetic Fields - "You and Me and the Moon loops" [Brief] LucasArts - "Grim Fandango outtakes" Ed Bogas, Subverise Elements - "Switched on Psi 5 Trading Company" Peter Connelly - "Forbidden Forest theme remake" Disneyland - "Haunted Mansion Ballroom Organ alternate take" Commodore 64 - "1541 disk drive sounds: click, ratt