Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

The Decadence of Obsolescence + 2013 lost episode (Show #432/#483 as #728)



Set: The Decadence of Obsolesence Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza - "The Decadence of Obsolesence" - Show #432, from May 11, 2012 [Live in a garage across from a park, summerish afternoon in Charlottesville. Playlist follows:] Fleetwood Mac - "Sara" - Tusk [Loop] Valentino Sound Effects Library - "Air - Air conditioner" - Volume 8 Fridge - "Harmonics" - Happiness Dufus - "Anouk" - In Monstrous Attitude La Dusseldorf - "Rheinita" - La Dusseldorf / Viva Michael Crichton - "TV captures attention, people spend their lives staring at screens" - Looker director commentary [The television can capture attention in a way, and take you away from real life. I think it's become more true as a quality of human attention, that not necessarily so much for television, but I sometimes think that more and more of humankind spends their days looking at screens. Meanwhile, kids are neglected, spouses are neglected, relationships, families, everything's neglected, we're looking at the screen. And whether it's the internet n