Vineyard Churches Uk & Ireland

How to raise up a culturally diverse leadership team // Tom & Lesley Thompson // Vineyard Seminar



The future of the church is every Tribe and Tongue gathered together around the throne of Jesus. Demographic data shows the UK becoming increasingly ethnically diverse. This moment feels like a Holy Spirit invitation to actively push into a more diverse, multi-coloured church which will both enrich us and will better demonstrate the coming Kingdom. In this seminar, we hear from Brazilian, Nigerian and Sri Lankan leaders from within Croydon Vineyard who share honestly about what has and hasn't helped them step up into leadership.  Tom & Lesley Thompson planted Croydon Vineyard Church 6 years ago into a highly diverse city. Much to their surprise they now have a congregation and a leadership community which are 40% non-white.  This seminar was recorded in January 2020 at the Vineyard National Leaders' Conference.