Beverly D. Flaxington

Finding Happiness Withing



Join me when I interview Angie Strader about having the confidence to find happiness -- from within. Angie is very compassionate about helping others. Through both her Blog Talk Radio Show “What’s your Bottom Line” and Ustream live internet TV show “The Angie Strader Show” she features a variety of interesting guests with diverse backgrounds that all have one thing in common - they are successful and find a way to make a positive difference. Angie enjoys giving everyone a voice to share their message or personal aspiring story. Angie’s list of guest requests have grown since launching her radio and tv show, her mission is to inspire others to greatness through profiling guests who are making a difference. Angie is a woman that believes in getting to the bottom line when it comes to living a happy and fulfilling life. Having faced many opportunities that tested her own overall happiness at various points in her life, Angie knew it was up to her to continue to live a life unfulfilled and unhappy or take a leap