Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 17 ~ Tayria Ward ~ Dream Weaver



Visit www.honorthefeminine.com Tayria Ward has a Ph.D. in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Carpinteria, California. Tayria lived for 30 years in the Los Angeles area where she raised her family, worked for 20 years as a minister and later as a professor at undergraduate and graduate levels. In 2004 she moved to the mountains of Western North Carolina to found Bridging Worlds Mountain Retreat Center. She ran the center for 8 years before moving to Asheville to begin a private practice working in dream analysis and depth psychology. She also conducts dream groups, offers lectures, workshops, retreats and vision quests upon request. 828-329-0853  tayria@tayriaward.com  www.tayriaward.com Visit www.honorthefeminine.com Email ~ honorthefeminine@gmail.com            Contact Shannon Ledford