Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 19 ~ Elizabeth Lyons ~ Wait For Your Wave



Visit: www.honorthefeminine.com Elizabeth Lyons is a jewelry designer, author and book publishing coach. She is also a mom of 5, wannabe world traveler, DIY fanatic, lover of seahorses and strong disliker of olives and anchovies. She is passionate about empowering women to live a life fueled by passion, and when not writing, negotiating a truce between two (or three) teenagers, heating metal, or trying to revive a strawberry plant she can often be found at the nearest coffee shop. www.elizabethlyons.com elizabeth@elizabethlyons.com Facebook.com/AuthorElizabethLyons Twitter.com/ElizabethLyons Instagram.com/ElizabethLyonsDesigns Pinterest.com/eglyons http://www.amazon.com/You-Cannot-Be-Serious-Balanced/dp/0974699039/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1460491092&sr=8-2&keywords=you+cannot+be+serious Visit www.honorthefeminine.com Email ~ honorthefeminine@gmail.com            Contact Shannon Ledford