Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 22 ~ Devonne Michelle Johnson ~ The Way Of The Horse



www.honorthefeminine.com I have always had a deep connection with animals. I watch in awe as they move through this world with ease and fluid energy, never holding on to energy that does not serve them. We as humans have become too heady in our daily lives. We lie to our friends, our families, our therapists, even ourselves about what we truly want - for the soul sake of "looking good" or at the very least "not looking bad." We play this game to our own detriment because what we want in life should be of the utmost importance. This is why I trust the animals. They are no-bullshit-tell-it-like-it-is creatures of this Earth. They know when you are blowing smoke. They can feel it in your energy. I support people by accessing their authentic self and learning to own their power through heart connection with the horse. As I explore the mystical world of Equine Guided Education I share the gifts of the horse wisdom with people wanting to know themselves deeply and access parts of their being that they have been