Denise Wakeman

Christina Hills - WordPress for Business and Visibility



Adventures in Visibility | WordPress for Business and Visibility with Christina Hills If you have a business, whether online or local bricks and mortar, you probably know you need to have a website. There are a lot of options for building a website and in this Adventure with website creation expert, Christina Hills we’re going to discuss how WordPress can serve your needs both as a website, blog and contribute to your overall visibility on the web. On the show Christina and I discuss: ➼ Should business owners know how to build and maintain a website or rely on a webmaster take care of it? ➼ How business owners can benefit from learning WordPress ➼ What kind of websites you can build with WordPress ➼ The argument that WordPress is better than other website tools out there Get Christina Hills' wordpress design report here: Christina Hills is a speaker, educator, mentor and Internet Marketing expert to non-techie entrepreneurs who want to build an online business using Word