Jody England

Embodied Essence



It is with so much love and vibrancy that I share this episode with you today - fully present, embodied and integrated in my heart, body, and soul.It hasn’t always been this way with me. It’s only been a matter of days that I have been luxuriating in the completeness of finally, FINALLY landing within myself.Before now, I was a ghost in my own life. At various times I was flighty, frustrated, anxious, angry, alone, in despair, and lost. My body felt like a carcass that my spirit had to drag around with it. Everything felt hard because I was so afraid to be all the way here.This excerpt from “What to Remember when Waking" by David Whyte speaks so truly about the awkwardness and pain of this human journey."To be human is to become visiblewhile carrying what is hidden as a gift to others.To remember the other world in this worldis to live in your true inheritance.You are not a troubled guest on this earth,you are not an accident amidst other accidentsyou were invited from another and greater nightthan the one fr