Jody England

Am I Crazy?



On our show yesterday, I talked about the openings that are occurring for so many of us and the accompanying fears that are keeping us stuck in this purgatory of waking/not waking. We worked with the energy of letting go of the illusions that seem so painfully real in order to move out of hiding and into What Is Calling Us Forward.A few highlights include: 4:56 My Own Crazy Journey through Waking Up 13:01 What to do when nothing makes sense any more 17:51 Can I just go back to sleep? 20:16 "Evolve or Die" 24:06 Becoming the Bridges between Here and There 26:19 Energy Exercise: The Heart Phone is Ringing... It's for YouYou are not alone. There are thousands of us waking up like this in our own little pockets around the world.You do not have to navigate this alone.In fact, these experiences we are having - this Calling that is coming for us - is actually the source of our greatest connection. Everything is about to start making a whole lot more sense.Listen in to the replay as we pull back t