Jody England

Money - The Untamed Conversation



As I've engaged in Magikal conversations with women around the globe this week, I’ve been struck by how despite our very different life experiences, circumstances, languages, and cultures we are so vitally, essentially the Same. We yearn for peace in our hearts and connection with our Souls. We seek, we cry, we heal, we love. It is the most beautiful expression of Oneness I’ve been honored to witness.What has also emerged as strikingly common in these conversations, is the severe limitation of our view of the world through the lens of money. This is a pervasive story. Across cultures, and across ages, careers, and backgrounds - the money conversation is one we have used to paint ourselves into tight corners of lack and limitation.This narrow view of what money is, how it works, blocks to getting it or having it is currently the biggest barrier to our next level of transformation.Without Untaming our views and our energetic understanding of and relationship with money, we are dead in the water....If you’ve bee