Jody England

Love Letter to The Darkness



My Walk with The Darkness continues.Thank Goddess.(Truly.)These last two weeks of being internal and steeped in my own process have been intense and fruitful.Feeling and seeing, raging and recoiling, grieving and growing.I lead a very full life.I wouldn’t have it any other way.Another round of Medicine to the tune of Hello, Darkness My Old Friend.Art by Lilith Reina.Repeating patterns, oceans of karma, and the Grace of new eyes and new awarenesses are the classroom of my Becoming.I am learning how to love bigger and include more.Reconciling the heartbreak of potentiality and existence…Both my own and those outside of me.How can we/you/I be these magnificent Souls and beings of Light we are, while also being petty, dangerous, cowardly, vengeful, deceitful human weaklings?Where and how do we allow the Broken Ones who show up in our lives to be our teachers and allies?In the midst of learning What Would Love Do Here? in each moment — we are ever tempted to meet resistance with resistance, hate with hate, darknes