Jody England

Illuminating Grace



In the intensity of the brightness of the Lionsgate Portal, there is much to See.Ancient karmic patterns, shadowy places in ourselves and others, the underbelly of life making itself known.It’s a lot to Be With.Just because we see something doesn’t mean we know how to become free of it.Art by AquaSixioFear, suspicion, and paranoia holding us in illusory loops and spirals of stuckness.Separated from our connection to Source, lost in stories of suffering and persecution.When we are in these places it can be daunting to find our way out.With the light blaring down and nowhere to hide, we can feel like a deer in the headlights.Wanting to bolt or lash out, cry, crumble, or fight.What to do when there seems to be no way out and the volume is up on 10?On Wild Soul Medicine Radio today I’ll be Illuminating Grace.Shining a light on the ways we separate ourselves from it and the failsafe tool you can use to Return to what’s True inside of any tricky illusion of separateness.I am fresh from a long weekend in sacred spac