

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 713 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond There’s a story about employees in a company who one day reached their office and found a big sign which said, “Yesterday, the person who had been hindering your growth in this company, passed away. We invite you, please, to join all the funeral processions in the room downstairs.” At first, the employees became sad for the death of one of their colleague. But then, after a while, they became curious. Who was this person who hindered their growth? Who could it be? Downstairs in that room, the excitement was so great that security agents were ordered to control the crowd, and make sure that they walked one-by-one by the coffin. As they waited their turn to see the body, they thought, “Who is this person who was hindering the progress? Well, at least he died. But let’s see who it is.” As they got closer, they looked inside of it and they became speechless. What they found was a mirror. A mirror inside the coffin, and everyone wh