Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Holding Breath



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 717 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond Have you ever experienced a true sunset or sunrise? Quite stunning, something which is of immense beauty and almost indescribable. Indeed, you must use all your senses to witness the sunrise, not just your eyes. Otherwise, you won’t be able to understand it, to fully grasp it, or realize what it is. There is a moment just before the flowers open where it looks like the world is holding its breath. This is quite amazing, something beyond imagination, something beyond exhilaration. It is something of special value. To be able to understand the strength, the energy, and the beauty behind the world often you must stop and look. Truly feel the beauty of the world. This isn’t just a poem about the world; this is about understanding how the Creator has designed an immense and absolutely unparalleled, unprecedented type of beauty. Every detail, even a blade of grass is controlled by this Creator, everything. Why? To give us a beautiful