American Journal Of Psychiatry Audio

February 2021: Maternal Psychological Resilience and Newborn Telomere Length



Executive Editor Michael Roy speaks with Glenn Verner, M.P.H., and Sonja Entringer, Ph.D., about their article on the relationship between maternal psychological resilience during pregnancy and newborn telomere length. Ms. Glenn Verner is a doctoral candidate in medical psychology at Charité University Medicine in Berlin. She is interested in studying the biological mechanisms that underpin maternal and fetal health. Dr. Sonja Entringer is a professor of medical psychology at Charité University Medicine in Berlin. She is also an associate professor in the Health and Disease Research Program at the University of California, Irvine. Her research interests broadly include how developmental programming affects health and disease risk. In particular, she is interested in how stress during pregnancy affects offspring development. How the authors became interested in this area of research [2:10] Overview of the telomere system [4:35] Aims of the study, which examined how positive maternal psychological conditions d