

Do you travel with your partner? What about a group of friends? Or maybe you’re like me, and always travel solo.    Travelling with a partner or friends certainly has it’s advantages. Everything costs you half the amount, you know you’ll never get lonely and most importantly, people are much more likely to believe your ridiculous stories.   Our guest for this episode, LeAnna Brown is one half of the travelling couple responsible for Economical Excursionists - a site where they share their travel journey and discuss many of the topics that we do in this episode:   - We delve into travel hacking, and how you can travel on a budget, and sometimes even travel for free.  - Frequent flyer miles - how do you use them? How do you get them?  - Travelling with kids   … and of course, LeAnna brings us an awesome story from her trip with her husband, Andy, to the Czech Republic.    As always, she is accompanied by music and sounds that really allow the story to come to life and take us along the journey with LeAnna.