

The Camino De Santiago is comprised of many pilgrimage routes, some starting in France, others in Portugal, Spain and many other places- but all ending up at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain.   Many travelers walk these routes and do this pilgrimage, and after finishing, all are left with amazing stories, moments and serendipity that made the pilgrimage one of the most important journeys of their life.    Our guests for this episode, Craig and Linda Martin from the Indie Travel Podcast are here to tell us about their many journeys on the Camino. Their story goes into the fellow travelers they met on the way, the unexpected occurrences and the actual act of walking that far every single day. Along with a token electrocution, handled brilliantly by Craig.   As always, they are accompanied by music and sounds that really allow the story to come to life and take us along the journey with Craig and Linda.   If you enjoy the show and you’re on iTunes or stitcher, please subscribe