Travel Stories Podcast | Stories Of Adventure, Freedom And Backpacking And (currently) Following Hayden On His Motorcycle Aro

S2E1: The 'Dangerous' Countries? - Shane Dallas with 'A Warm Welcome in a Harsh Land'



You know when you get to a country with all your preconceived ideas and it's nothing like you thought it was going to be?   Maybe you saw some things in the news, maybe your Aunt knows someone who's cousin went there and they had a tough time, or maybe you just have a bad feeling about it. Then you get there, and the people are the nicest you've ever met and you have the greatest time.   Boy, does that happen often.    Our guest for this episode is Shane Dallas, otherwise known as the Travel Camel, who loves going to these sorts of places. He's been to almost 100 countries, including all over the middle east, Afghanistan, India and many others. His experience in these countries is a first hand account of how things can be if you go into traveling with an open mind and clear of preconceptions.   As always, he is accompanied by original music that really allows the story to come to life and take us along the journey with Shane.   If you enjoy the show and you’re on iTunes or stitcher, please subscribe and le