Doomed To Repeat It

DTRI - Ep. 5 (Zulu, Crimean, Hundred Years')



  Episode 5, in which Leila discovers: - That if you've brought a Gatling gun to a knife fight, then you just might be a redcoat - That Tetris is Russian, the Light Brigade charged, Florence Nightengale'd, and the Crimean War happened - That the Hundred Years' War, while still awful, was too good to be true And in which Tristan realizes too late: - That there are other adjectives in the English language besides "massive" - sorry about that - That nobody really calls it the Crimea. It's either just Crimea, or the Crimean Peninsula - That there absolutely was a Nine Years' War, it's just that I normally think of it as the War of the Grand Alliance, so it didn't come to mind. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it