Game Academy Radio

#040 - Kyle Warwick and Mitchell Rowe (Tic Toc)



Have you ever wanted a sandbox game similar to Spelunky that uses time travel as its central mechanic? That's exactly what Moresome Games is doing with Tic Toc - a time traveling sandbox game that allows you to bend time to your will. Want to the asteroid from wiping out the dinosuars? You can do so, yet be aware: the present could be full of only evolved, intelligent dinosaurs! Want to stop a plague? It's possible - but by doing so, you may cause a continent to be overpopulated and hungry for more land.It's the many scenarios that randomly play out in Tic Toc (currently seeking crowdfunding on Kickstarter), and it's a pleasure to interview the two men responsible for this unique, time traveling sandbox title - Kyle Warwick and Mitchell Rowe. It's a fascinating discussion with two guys that truly have a unique game on their hands. Love time traveling? Enjoy sandbox titles? Then this is an interview you will not want to miss!Hosted by Dusty Wright, Game Academy Radio is the official weekly radio show of GameAc