Colette Marie Stefan

Nuggets of Wizdom From the Vector - EXTERNAL FORCES



External forces are positive and negative life experiences that enter our reality and alter our perception. We can compare external forces to snowflakes in a snowstorm to better understand how they affect the collective as well as the individual. Snowflakes, like people come in all shapes and sizes. Every flake is unique, yet all of them have fundamental structures in common because every snowflake has six sides. If you compare external forces to snowflakes, they seem insignificant on their own because anyone can put up with a flake or two; however, they gain weight as they accumulate. If they become too heavy for the roof, they can eventually weaken and collapse a persons house. Anyone who has survived winter on the prairies of Canada will be able to relate. Some people look forward to the first arrival of snow while others absolutely dread it. If you enjoy winter sports, the snow is equated with fun; however, if a person is focusing on icy roads, scary driving conditions, the trials, and tribulations of dea