Colette Marie Stefan

Tails From the Vector with Colette - MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!



MISSED OPPORTUNITIES! Many people go through life oblivious to the fact that they are creating more karma for themselves and others because they are torn between their desire for comfort and oblivion. For the average person, ninety-five percent of the actions they take and words they choose are re-actions to sensations stimulated by the sub-conscious and un-conscious mind. The sub-conscious forms thoughts from physical, mental, and emotional conditioning up to the age of seven. The unconscious mind, the thoughts from all dimensions, existences, realities, realms, planes throughout the Vector of Space-Time. The average person uses his or her conscious mind only five percent of the time, spending the vast majority of his or her existence on automatic pilot, re-acting and re-solving life experiences instead of investing himself or herself in taking action towards resolution. People have been taught to think problems through, with a think before you act mentality. This causes many people to become sheep-le rat