Colette Marie Stefan

Nuggets of Wizdom From The Vector - PERFORMANCE



You know ... those sleepless nights when you toss, turn, and wrestle with worries all night long? You are not alone. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their infinite potential because they allow their worries to get in the way of their dreams. Most of those worries dont even belong to them! From childhood on, many of us accumulate self-limiting beliefs as we are indoctrinated in how we are supposed to be through mainstream educational and religious systems, parenting, cultures, and other influences. These limiting beliefs can also come from our own personal experiences as well as from concerns associated with our ancestors experiences, projections into the future from our descendants, and even our potential descendants. You cannot have light without dark or dark without light! The most brilliant, successful people shine so brightly because they face their dark thoughts head-on and shift them into light. We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819.Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go