Business & Burgers

S01:E19: Jim Brisimitzis and What Microsoft Can Do For Your Startup



We’re back at Quinn’s Pub for another round of Seattle’s most unique burgers. Chef Scott whips up a Korean version of Quinn’s Signature Burger, and joining to help us devour this ginger-infused delight is Jim Brisimitzis, General Manager of the Microsoft Startup Program. He and his team work on finding a better way for Microsoft customers to deploy cloud solutions for their business. Microsoft offers tools for entrepreneurs with BizSpark, which gives access to a cloud based software for three years, and mentorship throughout the process from ideation to execution. Help is even available for the funding phase through Microsoft Accelerator and Microsoft Ventures Fund. If you're considering launching a new business in 2017, this episode is for you! Find out all the tools available to help you succeed.