Anita Pathik Law

Cultivating a New Reality in 2011 (Inside and Out)



Join us for Sunday Soul and a provocative message about Cultivating and Standing in a New Reality. As we face the last few weeks and days of 2010, we wonder, where has the time gone? Did we use the time to our advantage and accomplish what we set out to accomplish? And, what are we wishing for in the coming year?In our annual (and daily) reviews and assessments, we rarely acknowledge some of the most important victories and blessings (both given and received), like the way you showed up for friends and family in need, or how you stuck with something even when you were tempted to give up, pack it in and just say, $&%* it!Rarely do we give ourselves credit or take a step back that is far enough to see that there has been progress more significant than previously noticed. Maybe you feel good about where you are in comparison to where you were a year ago. Or, maybe you’ve become skeptical; untrusting that anything or anyone can help you move beyond patterns and circumstances that feel, well, unchangeable.Dee