Joseph Farley Show

8 – Defining Bitcoin As The Digital Gold Of The Global Economy with Adam Draper



What is Bitcoin? The first question you need to ask in defining Bitcoin is what is money as defined by the current global economy? For people who are entering this ecosystem, Bitcoin is digital gold with a 21 million cap which means that the number of Bitcoins in existence will not exceed 21 million tokens. You can store Bitcoins in crypto that functions like a bank account that cannot be controlled by the bank. Adam Draper, Founder of Boost VC explains where the Federal Reserve can create reserves and has control of the money supply which inflates the currency, Bitcoin is pre-programmed to stay in the 21-million mark. Adam furthers explains the inflationary and deflationary aspect of Bitcoin. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Here’s How » Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today: Joseph Farley Show Twitter Joseph Farley Show LinkedIn Joseph Farley Show YouTube