Glory House

Breaking My Silence



In this episode, Robert Marshall talks about his journey to wholeness from Sexual Abuse.  Here is an excerpt from his latest work, " See Me"  "Nothing could have prepared me for what was next, him shoving his slightly upward curved and discolored manhood inside of me. After he released himself on the floor, he looked at me with righteous discus, and asked: “you liked that, didn’t you?” After responding, “I don’t know?” He looked at me and said, “you need to go pray, something is wrong with you.” He proceeded with his verbal assault by informing me that I had a demon of perversion, and he could help me get delivered. As an 11-year-old boy experiencing puberty, his words penetrated me to a depth that his penis would and could never be able to comprehend. His words, “Something Is Wrong With You,” left a seed that grew weeds that choked the life out of my identity, confidence, relationships, self-esteem, and educational endeavors. I felt nasty, incompetent and shamed. He masterfully left me to bear the