Final Cut Pro Radio

FCPRadio 098 - Part Two - 2019 FCPX Summit



FCPRadio 098 - Part Two - 2019 FCPX Summit & FCPX Chat So what actually happened at the 2019 FCPX Creative Summit? In this part two of FCPRadio we talk with three people who were there, Bill Davis, Felipe Baez and myself, Richard Taylor and one outsider’s view via Alex Gollner. We chat about Apple, managing expectations, the FCPX/ProApps Team, BRAW, we also continue our discussion of the FCPX Summit as much as we can publicly. Episode 97 part 1 and 98 part 2 are best listened to one after the other to get a complete picture of the Summit. Final Cut Pro Radio is sponsored by Twitter @fcpradio1 Facebook ©2019 Richard Taylor