Coffee Talk With Ian & Ivy

Ep. 14: CU’s Magical Quest, Net Neutrality, Justice League & Thor, and Immortality



In this episode, the pair spotlight a fellow CU student’s fantasy survival game that is currently being backed on Kickstarter. They also take on Net Neutrality and its implications for everyone on the Internet. For Ian’s Corner, they discuss Justice League and Thor: Ragnarok and the difference between the DCEU and MCU. The two wrap up by trying to answer the question if immortality is a good thing.  Use #CoffeeTalk for comments and ask the pair some questions using #AskIanIvy for their advice segment at the end of the month. Like our” Facebook Page for show notes in the "Notes" tab ( Tweet us @coffeewianivy.  ---  Intro & Outro Music: Corporate (Vision) by Scott Holmes is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial License.  Background & Transition Music: Moody Breakfast by Dee Yan-Key is li