Universe Talks With Monica Ortiz

Living Outside the Box and Loving It



Are you someone who has always lived outside the box?  Do you have lots of outside the box ideas running through your head but don't know how to get them out?  Do people ever try and put you back in the box?Living outside the box can be scary yet exciting.  You can go with the flow without being a conformist and still live the adventure of your own life. But sometimes it can be challenging to do that when people around you don’t understand.In the episode, you’ll learn how to let go of societal pressures that keep you trapped in the box and allow yourself the freedom to create your exceptional life.  Let society know that it is the people who live outside of the box (Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Gandhi, Einstein, and more) that actually keep technology advancing and society evolving.  Don't get stuck in the box, join me on today's show and start building your exceptional life.