Classroom Q And A

What’s the Point? Leading Compelling, Meaningful Class Discussions Online



Hosting asynchronous online discussions is a well-established teaching strategy. In this episode, we look at the dos and don’ts of creating effective online discussions. Follow on Twitter: @EducatedAce @capra_theresa @larryferlazzo @bamradionetwork, @Jonharper70bd Dr. Taurean Branch is an instructional coach supporting math instruction with Baltimore City Schools. His mission is to empower teachers with tips, tools, and techniques that improve student outcomes. He is the host of the podcast show Copy Jams where he shares ideas and inspiration that drives his mission. Dr. Theresa Capra is a professor at a community college focusing on the social sciences while helping students prepare for a career in education. She also supervises teacher candidates at the baccalaureate level in their clinical placements. Dr. Capra is the founder Ed Tapas, a research blog dedicated to trends, technology, and teaching tips for educators at all levels.