
Dr Paul Nussbaum, author of Save Your Brain



We all know about the importance of eating right and getting exercise to keep our hearts in the best shape and to prevent heart attacks. We all know to wear sunscreen when we're outside to protect our skin and to fight against wrinkles. But what do we know about preventing memory loss, dementia, bewilderment, confusion and everything else associated with an aging brain? We don't know enough, argues Dr. Paul David Nussbaum, a neuropsychologist with a specialization in memory loss and dementia. He has spent the last several years touring the country on behalf of insurance companies like MetLife and in conjunction with to spread the word about the science of brain health and his comprehensive, 5-step program for people to strengthen their brains and to shield them against the aging process. Our brains can remain as strong and as sharp at seventy as they were by twenty by following Dr. Nussbaum's 5 essential steps to Save Your Brain. For more information about Dr. Nussbaum, check out his website: ht