Belief Radio

Does Facebook Really Ruin Your Marriage?



Latest Belief Radio Show on Monday, 27th February 2012: Broadcasting now in over 70 countries across the world... Do you really understand the full impact and implications of social networking on your life? Is it possible that a significant percentage of people in the UK are losing out on getting their dream jobs and are potentially ending their relationships through too much social networking? In today's show, Phil Keeler and Rich Smith discuss the impact of social networking, how some people are literally addicted to things like Facebook/Myspace which, in some cases, through over-use is literally causing divorces and separations. This all comes out of a new report which says Facebook has apparently been cited in 33% of divorce cases in the United Kingdom in the past year according to Divorce Online. As always at Belief Radio, we debate the issues, bringing balance, perspective and positivity to help you steer clear of the pitfalls of social networking, realise only the benefits and ensure you live a ha