Belief Radio

Managing Change & Transitions



Belief Radio Producer, Phil Keeler, explores with Rich Smith, Belief Global Founder, how to manage change and transitions across the various different parts of our lives so we can remain happy, healthy and successful.  + What sorts of changes do you face in daily life and how are you coping? + How well do you juggle the different demands placed on your time?  + Want to learn more about managing transitions and adapting to new changes in your life? Find out all this and more at and download the show direct to your iPhone/MP3 player by searching for Belief Radio on iTunes. When you are ready to maximise success and happiness in your own life, read Rich Smith’s transformational book ‘STRIP NAKED: IN TRUTH IS FREEDOM’ and be the person you were always born to be. Take the free ‘LIFE CIRCLE CHALLENGE’ to help inspire and motivate you to even greater heights. Remember… you have one life… so LIVE IT… be the change you want to see in your world. For further information about our full range of