Women's Leadership, Women's Career Development, Business Executive Coaching & Podcast By Sabrina Braham Ma Ppc

Women Leaders Guide to Navigating the Labyrinth: Alice Eagly Interview



It’s no longer impossible for career women to navigate to the top management jobs. Yet women leaders still have many more challenges. The Labyrinth is the new metaphor that replaces the Glass Ceiling and captures the challenges women face in their careers. When you understand the obstacles and learn the strategies and behaviors, you will get to very high places in your career and be very successful. Just ask Alice Eagly, co-author of Through The Labyrinth: The Truth About How Women Become Leaders. Sabrina Braham and Alice Eagly discuss the proven research for helping women advance in their career and be better leaders. Listen now. You will walk away with ideas you can put to work immediately to help you get promoted. Alice Eagly Women Leaders Interview Highlights: Learn the qualities that will round out your leadership style Find out what leadership characteristics are not ascribed to women as a group. What leadership styles work against women leaders? Lessons from observing people Strateg