

Anyone who leads an organization or aspires to reach their potential will want to listen to this inspiring interview and leadership tips (below) with Patricia Walsh; author of Blind Ambition: How to Envision Your Limitless Potential And Achieve The Success You Want. Left sightless at the age of 14, instead of resigning herself to a life of dependence on others. She fought back with a fierce resolve to not only prove that she was equal to sighted people, but in some respects superior. Her leadership tips are a great story of grit, personal accountability, granite willpower, and a determination to buck overwhelming odds. Walsh’s achievements at the age of 33 are greater than most people could expect in a lifetime: a successful career as a software engineer, entrepreneur, author, professional speaker, and Champion Athlete. She will be representing the United States in the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.   Walsh has turned her experiences and triumphs into useful information that anyone can use to ove