Hello Hello Kopi Ke Milo?

#033 Who the Heck is Derezedd!?



Abdul Mu'adz is Derezedd. On Episode 33 of Hello Hello Kopi Ke Milo?, Mu'adz sat down and shares his life story, his journey from the very start, to the likes of going to UITM, Segi College and later on Inti College before venturing fully into the entertainment industry, starting off with hosting talk shows and MC-ing live events. Mu'adz a.k.a Derezedd was a big part of the Malay Viners booming in 2014, alongside his friends Luqman Podolski and Adib Alexx. This was the big break for these lads, they got a lot of attention and to this day it has been the reason for them to put food on the table. Mu'adz is definitely acquires a lot of talents, not only for able to hold a conversation for 2 hours straight without losing his charm, but he can also entertain the crowd with his hidden musical talent, beatboxing. Tune in to listen to some of his samples, lo and behold, he can also impersonate voices! Abdul Mu'adz is a living proof that you don't have to come from a well off family to make it big, you just have to