Rob's Pod Question Everything

EP 24 The Conversation Part 2



This podcast is for the seekers of enlightenment who seem to be lost on the path to nowhere. I introduce the concepts of life in various ways for you to question all your beliefs. When youre searching to find out who you are or what you are, I offer many possibilities for you to explore and discover a new way of thinking about life. I make you question all your own beliefs and we cover teachings from all walks of life, such as Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shamanism, A Course in Miracles, The Way Of Mastery, Masters of the Far East, Krishnamurti, Don Miguel Ruiz, Joseph Murphy and Allan Watts. I introduce you to my own way of looking at the world and many variations in philosophy. I think this will awaken the most skeptical listener. We will also cover relationships and how to have an amazing partner to share your life with. I will also teach you some techniques to use to turn your life around and gain control of your future. This is a podcast for thinkers that are never satisfied with the thoughts they have. Come and walk beside me to understand and discover an entirely new way of exploring who and what you are. Learn about love, fear, pleasure, pain, belief, passion, self-knowledge, conditioning, attention awareness, violence perception, thought, religion, God and power.