Sound Behavior, With Don Crosby

Thinking Big! Episode 33 – Lloyd Bustard



Welcome to episode 33, with another dear friend, Lloyd Bustard. The journey of a child naturally becomes a blueprint for adulthood and for some it is easy, while others just have to work harder and dream bigger. One can easily describe Lloyd as a gifted musician, fascinating speaker, seasoned evangelist,  experienced pastor and  a disciplined man who loves to encourage others to be their finest by reminding them to THINK BIG! Every Sound Behavior episode we talk about each other's stories and once you hear how Lloyd grew up and the obstacles, he overcame to be the man he is today, you'll be amazed. He's been on a serious journey anchored with grace and honor... I have his albums... and truly appreciate his voice and expression through a beautiful piano and guitar. You need to share this episode with your friends and family... because this is another great episode of "How Champions Are Molded and Celebrities Are Born." Check out, connect and support Lloyd @