Jay Today Podcast

Do You Expect Companies to Tweet You Back?



Jay recently went to the PGA Tour in Valhalla. Prior to attending, he sent a tweet to the PGA asking about umbrella size and parking lot location. He has yet to hear back from them.This brings up an interesting question of consumer expectations when it comes to social media customer service. Are we reaching a tipping point where people have the same expectations of social media service as they do of phone calls? If so, companies need to be prepared with the resources and strategy to handle it. SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/jaybaer00SPROUT SOCIAL SHOUT OUTToday's Sprout Social shout out goes to Gary Vaynerchuk (http://twitter.com/garyvee) who, among the other amazing things he's done, has started a new series of daily videos that answer the #AskGaryVee questions that his fans often pose on Twitter. Check out Gary's channel:https://www.youtube.com/user/GaryVayn...OUR SPONSORSCandidio (http://candidio.com), a simple and affordable video production company. Follow @candidio on Twitter. Sprout Social (http://