Jay Today Podcast

Remember to Keep Yourself Happy



Your life is never going as well as you think it is, but it's also never going as poorly as you think it is. The way to keep yourself off the roller coaster ride of emotions that make up life is to never fly too high or too low when something happens. It's easy to take a victory lap or wallow in your sorrows, but always remember that life is a series of curve balls, so you never know what is coming around the next corner.SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/jaybaer00SPROUT SOCIAL SHOUT OUTToday's Sprout Social shout out goes to Gini Dietrich (http://twitter.com/ginidietrich), who heads the ship at Arment Dietrich and runs the popular Spin Sucks blog (http://spinsucks.com). Follow Gini for her insights on PR, crisis communications, reputation management, and digital marketing. Also, pick up a copy of her new book by the same name as her blog - http://www.amazon.com/Spin-Sucks-Comm... OUR SPONSORSCandidio (http://candidio.com), a simple and affordable video production company. Follow @candidio on Twitter. Sprout