Jay Today Podcast

How Relevance Magically Creates Time



Back in the day before email and smartphones, it was common for people to stop working and leave the office at 5pm.Now, we are all constantly connected to our work and our time has become scarce. This creates a common issue that marketers struggle to overcome: My customers don't have time for me.That may be true on the surface, but if you want to break through and steal some time or borrow some attention from your potential customers and client, you need to give them something that is hyper-relevant.An example of this hyper-relevant messaging comes from a Guatemalan sneaker company, Meat Pack. By installing their mobile app, sneaker fans can get the best deals on hot new items. The app, which includes a GPS locator, has been successful in pulling customers away from competitors and generating buzz (http://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/campai...). Today's Sprout Social shout out goes to Jeffrey K. Rohrs, fellow Social Pros Podcast host (http://socialpros.com) and a good friend. Jeff is a wonderful speaker and used t