Jay Today Podcast

Why the Future of Business is Apps and Specialization



Facebook has just launched a new app that will remove the messaging functionality from its primary app and include it instead in a stand-alone messaging app. While some users are frustrated with having to download yet another app (Facebook already has 8 apps), this is the trend we're seeing - specialized applications for specific functionalities.Facebook isn't the only one adopting this trend. Giant superstores like Walmart and Target are seeing a decline in sales, while smaller boutique shops are growing. This is the future. People no longer want portals that include everything but are great at nothing, especially when they're using their mobile device as their primary connection to the internet. They want specialized services for their specific needs. Today's Sprout Social shout out goes to Andrew Davis (http://twitter.com/TPLDrew), author of Brandscaping (http://www.brandscapingbook.com/) and a fantastic speaker. If you ever have the chance to see him speak, do it!Jay Today (http://www.convinceandconvert.c