Justine Ruotolo's Miss Add Talk Show

Mothers and Daughters with ADHD



Please join me this coming Sunday, August 7, 2016, at 4:00pm, PST, as I welcome Debbie and Lilly, to the program! Debbie, the Mom, and Lilly, will be discussing their lives with ADHD, and how they were both able to overcome, and succeed. Lilly, is a college student, she will be discussing her struggles and successes in life and school, from her younger years to now! Lilly is also an accomplished singer, song writer, and will discuss how her creativity, helped her with the negative symptoms related to ADHD. Debbie, will be talking about her own struggles with ADHD. Debbie, will give us all some tips on how she parented Lilly, highlighting her total acceptance of Lilly for who she is, not what she does! Don't miss this show! They will both be providing us with valuable information. Please feel free to call in and talk with Debbie and Lilly, (917) 889-7025.