Jennifer Malocha

Let's Talk with Jennifer Malocha - today we're talking with Karna Sundby



Karna Sundby, founder of Inner Access, is a Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Her backgound combines a rich education in NLP -Neuro Linguistic Programming. Karna is passionate about helping empower people to make measurable changes in themselves & their ways of thinking so they can reach their goals and manifest their dreams. Karna has taught people around the world to use tools of transformation to create the lives they want. She’s done her own personal work of overcoming fears and is a co-author of the book “Fearless Women, Fearless Wisdom”. Her path has been one of learning to create abundance inside and out, both in riches of the heart and in worldly prosperity.She is especially passionate about conducting workshops where she’s able to help people quickly discover unconscious beliefs which sabotage attracting abundance and teach people powerful practical ways to change these limiting beliefs. By helping people discover how to eliminate their inner conflicts about success they become attractors for weal