Jennifer Malocha

Let's Talk with Jennifer Malocha. Todays special Guest is Mayna Sgaramella McVey



Mayna will be sharing tips on how to go shopping in your closet and find FABULOUS outfits that look great as well as how to dress to flatter your shape when you're in the transition of losing weight.Mayna started her business, Closet Fly, in 2005 with a passion for educating men and women on dressing for their body type and teaching them how to maintain a wardrobe that works for their lifestyle. Her mission is to help you look your best while doing more with less. Please don’t be intimidated. Mayna will be the first to admit that there is a learning curve to this type of work, therefore, she helps her clients feel comfortable in an otherwise vulnerable situation. She has been a featured speaker at local businesses, universities and government organizations giving advice on appropriate business attire and also volunteers at Dress For Success Seattle. She believes that every day we are sending a message to the world through our appearance, so why not put some intention behind that message and use your image as